Make Art More Accessible
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As we "Spruce Up on Spruce Street," we're raising $50,000 to expand programming and make our space more accessible. You can help us achieve these goals by making a donation today or better yet, sponsoring an item and helping us check it off our list! Will you consider renewing your support for The Arts League with a tax-deductible gift today?
Help The Arts League Spruce Up on Spruce Street!
Holiday season is upon us, and here at The Arts League we have a ton of things to be grateful for. One of them is you!! You have supported us through so much change these past few years, and we appreciate it deeply. We know what a decision it is, especially at this time of year, to decide what orgs to support, with so many worthy causes out there. We hope you will continue to support us, as we raise funds this holiday season for an important campaign: Spruce up on Spruce Street.
As a historical building, built in 1899, there is a lot of maintenance that goes into running this space, which holds so many deep roots. The influence of so many creative voices of West Philly are interwoven into the fabric of this space. This fabric is on display everywhere in our building, from the mural by Miriam Singer and our talented young artists that decorates the walls of the first floor, to the plaque dedicated to Mary Allegra in 2R, all the way up to third and fourth floors where the walls are covered in the art of up and coming and current creative voices- those are, of course, the voices of our students and teaching artists.These roots and influences are held year after year by the physical building we live in. And that physical building, just like the rest of us, could use some TLC this winter.